Tag Archives: Darjeeling

Season 3 Preview & Audiobook Launch

We are writing and producing as fast as we can in our studio. Season 3 will have some surprises including a podcast within a podcast called Trip Reports.  We have also just launched and audiobook titled Everest Alone: Maurice Wilson’s 1934 Journey to be the First to stand on the Summit

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High Adventure Podcast is produced by Accidental Productions


S2 E9: Gorgeous Day – Finale

Maurice Wilson is leaving the Rongbuk Monastery and heading for the slopes and the summit of Mount Everest.  Will he finally be able to fulfill his destiny, prove his critics wrong and be the first person the stand on the summit on the highest place on earth?

Take a look at our film Assault on El Capitan available on streaming services everywhere.



S2 E8: 300 Miles in Cork Boots

Maurice forms a plan to sneak into Nepal with the help of 3 trusted Sherpas.  Disguised as a Tibetan Priest, Maurice walks 300 miles by night to get to the base of Mt. Everest.

Ammon McNeely and Kait Barber make the second ascent of Wings of Steel,

the most controversial climb in Yosemite history.

Assault on El Capitan – Amazon Prime

Produced by Accidental Productions

Everest Alone – Audiobook

Maurice Wilson’s 1934 Journey to be the first to stand on the summit



S2 E7: Special Episode-Possible vs Probable

Ultra distance runner Dave Chamberlain sits down with Tom Ristimaki who holds a PHD in Possibilities.  Tom and Dave discuss inspiration, and the motivation to do things that are hard.

Dave Chamberlain has run the length of Argentina, across the Namibian desert, and was fort first person to run across Canada unassisted.  Dave also ran 50 marathons in 50 days to raise funds for the African Penguin Relocation organization.



S2 E6: Faith or Failure

Maurice navigates the Ever Wrest across the North Africa, the Middle East and into India. The British government attempts to stop him at every turn.  Maurice is forced too makes decisions that alter his plans and could end his life.


S2 E5: Special Episode- Interview with Mountaineer Anna Smith

In this special episode we interview Anna Smith an internationally known mountaineer. Anna explains the attraction of mountaineering in remote regions and explains what it takes too mentally and physically take on the worlds biggest and hardest mountains.


S2 E3: Because It’s There

Maurice Wilson emerges after 30 days of fasting and weeks in there Black Forest. After a long night of celebrating and conversation with friends,  Maurice tells his horrified companions that he knows exactly what he needs to do to test his own faith and inspire the world. He will climb Mount Everest, alone.






S2 E2: Dark Passage

Maurice climbs out of the darkness to find his reason to live, and or die trying. Maurice Wilson struggled to find his place in the world. He emigrated from England to New York, San Francisco, New Zealand and then back to London. In London, He met Leonard and Enid Evans a vivacious couple that befriended Maurice. Their relationship remains mysterious, but it’s thought it may have been a bit more than platonic.   With the onset of serious health issues, Maurice consulted a man with a  “miracle cure.”  The cure worked, and it set in motion Maurice’s plans that would change his life and his hope to change the lives of people around the world.




S2 E1: The Mad Yorkshireman

Maurice Wilson was from Yorkshire, England. He was a decorated but damaged WWI veteran.  In 1933 he became obsessed with Mount Everest and becoming the first man to stand upon its’ summit.  His plan seemed reasonable. Fly a plane from England to Everest, land somewhere on the mountain and walk or climb to the summit.  Maurice’s main obstacles were that he had no climbing experience and have never piloted a plane before.  Why let details interfere with destiny?
