Tag Archives: True Crime

S2 E8: 300 Miles in Cork Boots

Maurice forms a plan to sneak into Nepal with the help of 3 trusted Sherpas.  Disguised as a Tibetan Priest, Maurice walks 300 miles by night to get to the base of Mt. Everest.

Ammon McNeely and Kait Barber make the second ascent of Wings of Steel,

the most controversial climb in Yosemite history.

Assault on El Capitan – Amazon Prime

Produced by Accidental Productions

Everest Alone – Audiobook

Maurice Wilson’s 1934 Journey to be the first to stand on the summit



S2 E3: Because It’s There

Maurice Wilson emerges after 30 days of fasting and weeks in there Black Forest. After a long night of celebrating and conversation with friends,  Maurice tells his horrified companions that he knows exactly what he needs to do to test his own faith and inspire the world. He will climb Mount Everest, alone.






S1 E6: Big Wednesday

The situation at the lake and in the Valley is getting strange. Cocaine replaces weed as the drug of choice. The Feds decide to reclaim the lake area with a military style raid. Houses and cars purchased and companies started, all with money from weed sales? The bodies are found but the family refuses to identify them.  Conspiracy theories form and arrests are made but will anyone really go to jail?

Assault on El Capitan featuring Ammon McNeely

Our feature film Assault on El Capitan takes you up the on the 2ndascent of Wings of Steel with legendary big wall climber Ammon McNeely as he tries to solve the mystery of the most controversial climb in Yosemite history.  A climb that involved lies, deception and attempted murder. Assault on El Capitan is available on streaming services and platforms everywhere and is free on Amazon Prime.


